4 Aralık 2012 Salı

Should You Quit This Drug?

Unless you’re talking about roses on Mother’s Day (hint, hint), more is not always better. Case in point: A new FDA study finds that taking anti-bone-loss drugs like Fosamax long-term isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
“There is clear evidence that these drugs reduce the risk of spinal and hip fractures,” says Linda A. Russell, MD, an attending physician at the Hospital for Special Surgery. “But when a patient has been on the drug for 3-5 years, you have to look at whether they still need it, or if they should take a holiday.”

So if you’re one of the 10 million people with osteoporosis in the US—or among the 34 million at risk—does this mean you should stop taking your osteoporosis drugs? Not so fast. “Each patient needs to be evaluated individually, but people with significant risk factors are going to derive a greater benefit from continuing treatment than from stopping,” says Felicia Cosman, MD, senior clinical director for the National
For example, patients with severe osteoporosis, or conditions such as diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis, may benefit from long-term use. Plus, there are some meds you may be taking for other health problems, such as corticosteroids, that can speed up bone loss. Knowing these and other factors can help your doctor decide the best course for you.

Your Bones On A Diet 
Here’s a quick refresher on easy ways to protect your bones—with or without medication:
  • Know your risk. The National Osteoporosis Foundation recommends that women talk to their doctors about a bone density screening after menopause. Men should be tested by age 70.
  • Eat healthy. A balanced diet—one that includes plenty of calcium and vitamin D—is the best foundation for good bone health.
  • Don’t smoke. If you needed another reason to quit the smokes, consider that tobacco is toxic to the cells that make up your bones.
  • Limit the booze. That’s just one drink a day for women, less than three for men.
  • Exercise. Cardio’s important, but so are strength-training exercises to build and maintain bone strength.

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