5 Aralık 2012 Çarşamba

Think Your Way to Weight Loss

As anyone who has ever been on a diet knows, changing your eating and exercise habits can often feel impossible. You succumb to every nutritional and fitness fad and hope the promise of a quick fix changes your life.
In Coach Yourself Thin, professional weight loss coaches Greg Hottinger, MPH, RD, and Michael Scholtz, MA, offer unique strategies to help you end this futile cycle.
Here are some selected bits of weight loss wisdom from the book that will help you create realistic fitness and nutrition goals, awaken your intuition to listen to your body’s needs and regain balance in your everyday life:
1. Beware the Quick Fix Mindset
We have noticed a common way of thinking that we call the Quick Fix Mindset; we see it often among our clients who are struggling to lose weight. This mindset was born alongside the increased prevalence of labor-saving devices and the move away from home-cooked meals and to packaged products.

It is propagated by the advertising industry as the way to “improve” your life with minimal effort by purchasing products ranging from clothes to flat-screen televisions to cell phones, to name just a few.
However, the Quick Fix Mindset runs much deeper than the simple belief that happiness can be found through buying the latest technology and fashion; this mindset significantly influences your overall way of thinking. And when it skews the decision-making that affects your health and body, the consequences can be devastating.
Are you falling into the trap of the Quick Fix Mindset? It can manifest itself in various ways.
  • Taking medications at the least sign of discomfort or resorting to diet pills or invasive weight-loss surgeries without making any lifestyle changes.
  • Diving blindly into crazy exercise programs only to injure yourself and have to return to your sedentary lifestyle.
  • Looking for every imaginable shortcut in daily tasks but spending hundreds of dollars on gym memberships and exercise equipment.
  • Buying prepackaged foods instead of taking the time and effort to cook meals that include whole foods.
Don’t let Quick Fix Thinking distract you from the hard work of changing the unhealthy behaviors that are the root cause of weight gain.

2. Beware of Half Truths
Even some weight loss programs with some legitimate science behind them seem unwilling to stick to the whole truth. This “smoke and mirrors” mentality refers to any diet and exercise idea that takes a little bit of truth and tries to turn it into groundbreaking news for weight loss.
High-protein diets, for example, blame carbohydrates for the explosion of weight gain and encourage dieters to eliminate carbs completely rather than focus on eating higher-quality carbohydrates such as fruits or whole grains. While giving up carbs entirely can produce impressive short-term weight-loss, the emphasis is on short-term because most people find that giving up a whole food group is unsustainable.
Instead of a new fad, focus on a diet that is whole foods based and includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean sources of protein, nuts and seeds and non-fat dairy products.
3. Drop “Diet” Thinking and Take the Coach Approach
Diet thinking tells you that some foods should be avoided at all costs.
The coach approach is that there are no good or bad foods. You’ll learn to say “yes” to yourself without guilt, and what you want to say “yes” to will become healthier as you leave the guilt behind.
Diet thinking tells you that you can quit your plan today and start over tomorrow.
The coach approach is that there is no set-in-stone program to follow or to fall off. A lifestyle evolves from one day to the next, taking into account what happens to you along the way and what you’ve learned from it.
Diet thinking makes you believe that you have to be hard on yourself to change and that negative emotions like disgust and anger are motivators.
The coach approach is that negative thoughts don’t lead to change. Transformation is the result of positive feelings that build you up rather than tear you down, so improving your self-esteem and confidence actually precedes weight-loss success.
Diet thinking says diving in with both feet and pushing yourself to the max both lead to greater success.
The coach approach is that you may need to lower the bar in order to jump over it. Keeping your weight-loss expectations realistic from the get-go will motivate you to move forward instead of frustrating you so much that you give up before you’ve even started. You can continue to increase your standards as you make progress and gain confidence in your abilities.
4. Take Back Power from the Scale
Weight Fixation means being so focused on the number on the scale that it interferes with your ability to be consistent with your program and see the progress that you may be making. If you struggle with Weight Fixation, you experience turbulent mood swings and engage in erratic, unhealthy behaviors that can set you up for falling off the wagon.
Maybe you have a gigantic dessert the night before you begin your diet or you radically slash calories the day or two before your weigh-in, and then you binge when the scale doesn’t budge. Maybe you fret over the scale going up the day after a big meal or you are enraged because you’ve worked so hard for days and the scale hasn’t budged, even though you step on it several times a day. The scale has so much power over you that it can delight you one moment, devastate you the next, and fill you with dread the morning of your weigh-in day.
To take back your power over your choices from the scale, focus more on your non-scale victories which are victories that have come from your healthier behaviors. These include having more energy, noticing changes in how your clothes fit, sleeping better, finding it easier to climb the stairs, being noticeably more tone, and being able to do your daily tasks with less joint pain.
5. Follow These Simple Nutrition Truths
Regain your balance by avoiding the myths and misconceptions associated with the basics of a healthy diet and focus instead on these simple concepts:
Stay Hydrated. Drink at least 48 oz of water or until your urine is clear or light in color.
Eat Enough. You need enough quality calories each day to support your bodily functions and metabolism. Drop below your calorie goal, and it will actually become more difficult to lose weight. Plus, when you eat enough you will feel better and have more energy for exercise.
Balance your intake. Eat consistently throughout the day to help balance your blood sugar levels and keep your appetite in check.  Find the right balance of carbohydrates, protein and fats at your meals and snacks to feel satisfied and control cravings.
Eat mostly whole foods. Stick to the evidence—there is an overwhelming consensus that whole food—all-natural meats, seafood, whole grains, nuts and seeds, beans, vegetables, and fruits—are the key to a healthy diet.


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